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Me too, this game is too cool to be cancelled just like that. :C


This game was cool...please, rynogg, continue making the game...please...

I hope this isn't cancelled.

Great cliffhanger 👍



SARAH you need to make a continued version the game was fun. worth it


Hi Im on mobile and for some reason my x box controller just refuses to work? confirm and back are on weird buttons, i am unable to move, and i can't rebind the controls (its in settings but its greyd out) if someone know what to do that would be great if no oh well I could just use touch screen


Why is it in adult games


play the genocide route, it will become apparent around chapter 2 

the gen has blood

(1 edit) (+1)

starting with the reason I couldn't finish - I defeated mondo mole and tried to fight porky a few times without any healing items until I got frustrated and went back to buy some stuff from sans, then died to make it faster to get to the fight checkpoint. however, when I respawned I wasn't back at my last checkpoint, I was on the one I set after I got the bomb to destroy the entrance to the cave, so I lost all my progress with mondo mole and quit the game for good lol, hope that gets fixed. with that said, the game was funny and engaging, I was genuinely surprised when they fell into the earthbound section, I was only expecting to go through the entirety of undertale but with a few funny gigs here and there. overall it's an awesome fangame and I really appreciate all the effort put into it!

Try using the SAVE point after beating Mondo Mole so that leaving doesn't eradicate your progress.

(1 edit) (+2)

Does anyone know how to use PS4 gamepad on android version deltatraveller? I try use Game Keyboard but Deltatraveller ignore any move keys on my gamepad.


I gotta say this game was pretty cool, *spoiler warning* i was happily surpried when i found myself in Earthbound lmaoo


Can you change the controls to W A S D pls cause my ^ and v keys are broken.


Bro I changed the controls to W A S D in settings.

It's not that hard.


also such a good game


why cant you save in section 2 after the first save point?


im gonna genocide route this game =)


add mac version pls


Yes add a Mac version so we can murder Ness and Paula


help i can't get past flowey


go buy spider donuts it will be easier


Same bro, same.



Deleted 1 year ago

Use red buster when you can it does a lot of damage


Oh my goodness this was amazing so far. The Genocide route was absolutely horrifying and the final boss made my jaw drop. Excellent work, the whole experience is very polished, it almost feels like it was made by Toby Fox himself

(1 edit) (-2)

what am i supposed to do in gasters lab when he suddenly decides to kill you out of the blue with gaster blasters? death seems unavoidable.

note: i am on hardmode. i named myself frisk


you are not supposed to avoid it, you finished hard mode


Regarding your need for sprite rippers, perhaps someone from the Spriter's Resource could help you? There are also likely aprites there already.

(1 edit) (+1)

fantastic fangame. One little gripe. the linux version seems to not work on deck in gamemode, and on desktop requires an external keyboard to fullscreen :c
EDIT: This my fault as I didn't add the game to steam right. you must add the game to a directory with no spaces in any of the names if your using the "Add to steam button" Or use a known game importer. After doing it correctly the game now works perfectly on deck 


Waits section underfell


and also this litteraly will have a virus on my pc when i download i litteraly know


its safe, bro


Umm isint this ilegal by undertale owner





no it isn't ilegal, the owner of Undertale likes most of the Fan Games (also deltarune was made BY the owner of Undertale).

This is a fangame. It is not just copying things, it's a unique fangame executed well. The gameplay is plenty different from Undertale/Deltarune. So no, it's not violating copyright laws.

Just to clarify extra information, no. Its a fangame and the developers/creators of both Undertale and Deltarune allows the creation of fangames dedicated to their games and story.


First off, THANK YOU FOR THE MOBILE VERSION, most people wouldn't even bother considering that but it allows people with busier schedules to play these games. I also love the attention to detail, and the combination of Undertale and Deltarune playstyles is seamless and very fun.

I had such a fun time playing this. All the memes,the jokes,even the new parry mechanic is fantastic.
Definitely one of the best Undertale/Deltarune fan games out there. Totally recommended!!

This is so hard on mobile it's insanity!



Please add  controller mode

(1 edit)

Good game!

Very, Very fun, Can't wait for section 3!

I just realize that section 3 is going to be Underfell 😯😯😯😯😯😯

Wow. A year since I've posted this and this game is still popular. Jeez, things really do move fast...

This is so great. Especially, the Parry mode!

Nice fangame and also nice update for android controls because its very hard playing it in touch screen.

And also can you add run in battle

It's still hard even with that because it's so small and the fact of I usually play Undertale stuff on computer so it still hard even with the update

(3 edits) (-1)

My keyboard just does not work in this game. The escape and enter keys do what they're supposed to, but the game doesn't respond to the rest of my keyboard. The 1.0 version is fine and does not have this problem. I tried both windows downloads, and they both have this problem.



(1 edit)

found a fix, apparently you're supposed to delete a file outside of the deltatraveler folder

Definitely playing this fangame. I never really liked deltarune or undertale before but I decided to play both of them when I was bored, and man it's cool.

Is it possible to kill mule guardian?


Yes, you just have to deal a lot of damage very quickly. (I would recommend using rude buster and ice shock in the same turn.

Deleted 2 years ago

Why didn't I think of using rude buster on Flowey!

Cause you never realize things. *ROASTED*

WOW. Rude.

Hey, it isn't like I'm NOT one of the BEST characters in DOORS. [Rush]: Shut the fuck up Ambush. [Me = Ambush]: *VACUME NOISES*


i cant use my keyboard to move, and i cant reassign keys bcz i cant move event to the settings :(


me as well.

this is pretty damn good little fangame you got going, keep it up

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