Apparently an update came out almost a year ago and I never noticed, but I finally learned about the third chapter. Really enjoyed it (that last boss fight is hard, but fun, as was Jerry). Looking forward to more.
This game... See, there's a boss battle in chapter 3 even if you're running pacifist that is practically impossible even on easy mode... I've played deltarune and undertale through and that fight... it's infuriating. I've been trying to beat it since that update was released, additionally the wiki is no help as it says you can beat him just by talking. I never played genocide through in Undertale or beat any optional bosses in Deltarune so this fight was just tedious for me to even attempt. I cannot recommend this to players who want to be able to play it all the way through and aren't the type to seek high challenges.
Do you mean sans? If so, i was in the same boat. I had only ever done undertale and deltarune pacifist routes. Its literally all about retrying and retrying. It becomes less of a challenge if you can get the timings reight, its just patterns. Theres no secret attack that can catch you out, its the same attacks over and over. Using the boost from pressing z really really helped though. Some attacks you need to spam it to win.
First you install the game, go to the location where the game was put, extract it, open it’s folder, and you shall see the game’s icon, open it and voila.
I'm struggling on the Flowey fight! That does not bode well for my future lmao that's cool. I'll get it eventually! This game is incredibly fun so far, can while bullet hell feels inescapable, it's been amazing! I've spared everything but... ah, the dummy.... so far. Thank you so much for this wonderful game!
Edit, 2 months later in October: I... I beat him first try after putting this game down and doing Undertale Yellow's pacifist route..... ACTing with "Red Buster" on Kris's turn was a SOULsaver. Geez.
I didn't know about the defend mechanic at all until later (admittedly, I haven't gotten around to actually playing deltarune...), so I gathered enough TP for Red Buster through just grazing Flowey's attacks
I haven't gotten an answer yet so is that all that was added for now? I just don't want to search new content if there is none yet, I got other updates too for now.
OK, when I fight sans on mobile, it's extremely hard to maneuver around the attacks, and I'm usually LV 12 or LV 11, I had it on easy mode for that fight, and in the first few attacks, I died, this happened for 10 or 15 times repeatedly and I still died, mind you, this was neutral, honestly, I feel like this game is good, but the armor and weapons you get in snowdin nerf your attack and defense if you choose to equip them, but I honestly feel there should be some other type of armor or weapon you can get from sans before the fell sans fight, (not including the katana or blood bandana or clean pan or perma icicle), like idk, maybe buff the normal weapons and armor you can get in snowdin in or just add something that's fair and balanced, I honestly feel like the section 3 fight is more unbalanced for normal/new players. In all honesty, 6.7/10, also, no, I'm not a critic.
Tbh skill issue, I did it on the obliteration route and nearly died 3 times and I memorised his attack patterns from my first failed obliteration route
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Just f finished V3.i am absolutely loving the game so far. I can't wait for the rest!
Una pregunta, esta en español?
i dont know if he can ad spanish
why do you answer him in english?
How do I leave or get through Ruins-home???
You have to beat flowey
how fullscreen
F-4 key
I am thinking about getting this game before the next section update
1EDIT: I have played this twice
2EDIT: it thick up a lot of space
I guess the v3.0.10 now has that bug
anyone knows where the saves are stored in the files? i've looked around and couldnt find it
yes you have
is there a way to escape from gaster?
I LOVED ITTT (It almost took me more than 6 hours to beat fell sans I can't 💀
it took me two days
Is there a way to move my saves to the new version?
Nvm that
Apparently an update came out almost a year ago and I never noticed, but I finally learned about the third chapter. Really enjoyed it (that last boss fight is hard, but fun, as was Jerry). Looking forward to more.
I tried to play it on andriod, but couldn't install because it was "built for older versions of Android" :(
Just click install Anyway
Thanks! I figured that out!
Np :) glad to help
This game... See, there's a boss battle in chapter 3 even if you're running pacifist that is practically impossible even on easy mode... I've played deltarune and undertale through and that fight... it's infuriating. I've been trying to beat it since that update was released, additionally the wiki is no help as it says you can beat him just by talking. I never played genocide through in Undertale or beat any optional bosses in Deltarune so this fight was just tedious for me to even attempt. I cannot recommend this to players who want to be able to play it all the way through and aren't the type to seek high challenges.
Do you mean sans? If so, i was in the same boat. I had only ever done undertale and deltarune pacifist routes. Its literally all about retrying and retrying. It becomes less of a challenge if you can get the timings reight, its just patterns. Theres no secret attack that can catch you out, its the same attacks over and over. Using the boost from pressing z really really helped though. Some attacks you need to spam it to win.
I didn't expect to see the game about undertale now (I am from China)
how do u update the game without deleting the game and losing game data???
Honestly, there are a lot of moments where I forget this is a fan game! Do you have any estimates on when Section 4 will be released?
I though the same omg 😭I hope sec. 4 will be out soon
"I feel so sigma!"- jevil and spamton
Just wanna ask if the android download also works on chromebook too?
nevermind it works, just turn on developer mode
The link to your discord group is broken at the moment.
When can we expect the next section to be released?"
Well... Maybe not less than 2 months, assets, lore, even damn just coding, it all takes time.
i completed it 5 months ago
I´m just happy that sec 3 dropped
deltarune if it was traveler
Any way to get this on Mac?
is there older versions i can download ?
how do i play the game
First you install the game, go to the location where the game was put, extract it, open it’s folder, and you shall see the game’s icon, open it and voila.
you need to be born after that you'll have to get a dispositive to play it on anddownload it you move with the pad on android and with wasd on pc
I'm struggling on the Flowey fight! That does not bode well for my future lmao that's cool. I'll get it eventually! This game is incredibly fun so far, can while bullet hell feels inescapable, it's been amazing! I've spared everything but... ah, the dummy.... so far. Thank you so much for this wonderful game!
Edit, 2 months later in October: I... I beat him first try after putting this game down and doing Undertale Yellow's pacifist route..... ACTing with "Red Buster" on Kris's turn was a SOULsaver. Geez.
Just defend till you can use rude buster (use it on Chrises turn for more damage)
Thanks for the advice! I didn't see it until after I beat him, actually, but that's definitely a better way than I did it before!
Just curious, how did you beat him?
I didn't know about the defend mechanic at all until later (admittedly, I haven't gotten around to actually playing deltarune...), so I gathered enough TP for Red Buster through just grazing Flowey's attacks
if you're struggling with that i can't imagine what you passed with sans
I tried a genocide and I haven't even got past Paula XP
3.0.7 update belike:
Easy mode is now selectable
Pls Vylet or Ryno,adding this detail when player die in normal mode three time,the 3rd time die will appear this on game over screen
I haven't gotten an answer yet so is that all that was added for now? I just don't want to search new content if there is none yet, I got other updates too for now.
the heck am i supposed to do in the colour room in ruins???
Oh, Heres a tip, Every room has the blue,red and green switch.
where is section 4?
i ate it
mac version
Hey, Sarah, i got a question
OK, when I fight sans on mobile, it's extremely hard to maneuver around the attacks, and I'm usually LV 12 or LV 11, I had it on easy mode for that fight, and in the first few attacks, I died, this happened for 10 or 15 times repeatedly and I still died, mind you, this was neutral, honestly, I feel like this game is good, but the armor and weapons you get in snowdin nerf your attack and defense if you choose to equip them, but I honestly feel there should be some other type of armor or weapon you can get from sans before the fell sans fight, (not including the katana or blood bandana or clean pan or perma icicle), like idk, maybe buff the normal weapons and armor you can get in snowdin in or just add something that's fair and balanced, I honestly feel like the section 3 fight is more unbalanced for normal/new players. In all honesty, 6.7/10, also, no, I'm not a critic.
Skill issue
skill issue
im doing a pacifist run, and am level 1, it took me 3 attempts
Skill issue
Skill issue, I beat it on mobile after 3 attempts
Tbh skill issue, I did it on the obliteration route and nearly died 3 times and I memorised his attack patterns from my first failed obliteration route
Skill issue
I do hope they add this to Mac
sooner or later
el hard mode esta disponible para los 3 secciones o solo para la primera?
When you want to heal, but your controller says no
wth is that name?
The Discord link doesn't work
i made that sans get on 0 hp but he continued to do his special attack and killed me
he was like: dying is gay :skull: